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What Are Some Types Of Cat Toys?

Cats need toys to keep them entertained and mentally stimulated. Toys can help with aggression and stress relief, and they provide a way for cats to practice their hunting and scavenging skills. 

When it comes to cats, there are a few things that they love more than anything else: playing, lounging around and eating. You can click on this site to find the best-rated toys for your cat.

Here are a few of the types of cat toys that you might want to consider:

  1. A scratching post: Cats adore scratching posts because they can use them to sharpen their claws and overall hygiene. Plus, they can use them as a place to lay down and relax. Make sure to choose one that's durable so your kitty can really get creative with it.

  2. A set of toy balls: They love playing with balls. Try different sizes and shapes so your cat has something to explore every time he or she plays with them.

  3. A set of kongs: These toys are made from rubber and stuffed with treats or other materials such as cheese or beef jerky. When played correctly, the kong will bounce back and forth, making your cat work to get treats out.

  4. A toy mouse: Cats love chasing mice, and they're perfect for engaging their hunting instincts. Try different types of mice so your kitty has a favorite to chase after.

Cats are obligate carnivores and as such, their natural instinct is to hunt and kill small prey. Toys provide a way for cats to expend this energy in an entertaining way while also training them how to play appropriately with other people and animals.