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A Guide To Hire Furnace Repair Company In Oshawa

When it comes to home ownership, there is always something to be done. Some jobs are simple and short causing minimal inconvenience and others can be difficult and a nuisance to adjust to while being repaired. Then there are jobs like furnace repair that must be addressed sooner rather than later-especially if the need arises during winter. 

Unfortunately, things like plumbing problems, air conditioning and furnace repair always seem to occur at the worst possible time! So you must call furnace repair services in Oshawa via to check your furnace and air conditioning system.

Change the filter per manufacturer instructions. This could be as frequently as once a month to as few as twice a year. Not only will this help the furnace be effective but keep the air you breathe cleaner and healthier. Frequency may also be affected by the size of your home and whether you have indoor pets. 

If you have a gas furnace, it is vital that you take the time to clean the surrounding area from any excess dirt or debris. Be sure that you wipe the vents, as well. You should also check to see that the pilot light is lit and working properly. If the pilot light is not working, you should follow the instructions on the furnace for re-lighting it.