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A Look at FDA Approved Products

The FDA approval process for regulated products is as diverse as the product itself. These differences are determined by applicable statute by the FDA and the relative risk of the product to the consumer.

The FDA aims to provide consumers with "safe and effective" products. From product testing to label inspection, the FDA tests nearly every aspect of food and pharmaceuticals to make sure they are "safe and effective".

You can look at Wizmed and search by pharmaceuticals for suppliers, supply pricing FDA stats and more.

It may not occur to you that most of the products you use throughout the day are regulated by the FDA. You can see labels for breakfast juices, cosmetics you use in your latest hair dye, or pain relievers you are taking, all of which are FDA approved.

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With FDA approved products, you can rest assured that you are not being fooled by counterfeit ingredients on product labels. The FDA approval process ensures that the ingredients under test are used in the manufacture of goods, be they cosmetics, pharmaceuticals, or food products.

The FDA motto is to ensure the safety and satisfaction of consumers with the medicines and daily foods they consume. However, the FDA has a strict mission and the following four roles under the Food and Drug Administration Act:

* Promotes wellness through research reviews and new product approvals.

* To ensure that food and pharmaceuticals are labelled safely and correctly.

* Work with other countries to "reduce regulatory burdens".

* Work with experts and users to carry out this task effectively.