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All About Railroad Track Installation

The initial stage of installing tracks for railroads isn't evident, as it takes place beneath the surface. A primary task that crews usually do is to grade or construct drainage systems to keep the railroad from flooding. 

They typically use drains for pipes, carriers, and occasionally attenuation ponds to ensure proper drainage is in place and subgrade erosion and deterioration are avoided.

The second step of this procedure is to lay an additional layer of material to allow the rails to rest in the next steps. This is known as "ballasting" and is split into two parts: laying the bottom ballast, and then laying over the upper ballast. You can also search for the best railroad maintenance companies online.

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The ballast at the bottom is composed of mostly coarse sand. It is then spread uniformly and evenly to create a somewhat malleable but solid base for railway crossties sometimes referred to as sleepers, and the second layer.

The railway sleepers are then placed on top of the ballast and then spaced accordingly. The process can be carried out either manually or through the use of special machines and equipment, however, in both cases, workers ensure that the center location of sleepers, as well as the centerline of the rail track, are aligned. 

When the process is complete rail spikes and fasteners, commonly called chairs, are attached to the sleepers made of wood or bolted to the sleepers using the chair bolt.