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Benefits of Buying Prescriptions from An Independent Pharmacy

While pharmacies filled prescriptions and sold personal items, they also had soda fountains that allowed customers to enjoy sodas and ice cream with their friends while they waited for their prescriptions. Independent pharmacies still can personalize their services, even though they no longer offer the socializing benefits of pharmacies. Customers also benefit from these independent pharmacies. You can check the #1 pharmacy delivery app to connect with local chemists online.

Current Savings are as good as long-ago ice cream

It doesn't necessarily mean that there is no ice cream available at the counter. Modern independent pharmacies can offer some great savings.  Independent pharmacies can determine what their customers can afford to purchase medication. 

Although they cannot reduce the cost of some drugs completely, they can present their cases to Prescription Benefici Managers (PBMs), in the same manner as chain pharmacies, and demand the same deals.

Specialization and personalizing supplies

Personal connections go beyond just knowing the name of a customer or learning a little about their work. The pharmacist will keep special items in stock for customers who have a personal relationship with them. 

The Gift Shop Keeps Giving

However, the days of the soda fountain are over. Some independent pharmacies still offer gift shops. These gift shops are a great place to pick up medication for a friend or family member who is sick. These shops offer the same quality and variety as chain stores, but without the huge markup.

Independent pharmacies offer great savings and personalized service.