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Car Donation Information – What Happens After Your Car Is Donated?

Are you looking to get rid of your junk car? You might be able to donate the car to charity even though it isn't junk. Many people donate cars to charity, especially when you consider the difficulty of selling older cars and the low trade-in value for a vehicle that is in good condition.

Donated cars could be given to a family in need of a vehicle or used by the charity to transport cancer patients and their meals to shut-ins. You can also donate to needy people as a social cause through


People may consider car donation if their car is too old or in disrepair to drive. A charity could sell the car at an auction and use the proceeds for their charitable activities. You could either sell the car as-is or fix it to make it more desirable at auction.

Car mechanic skills might be taught by charities that help people become more employable. You can also donate your car to these organizations to teach them how to repair cars. It can be sold or used by someone in need.

You can send your car to charity directly, but they will often direct you to a car donation center. This is a great way to get your car donated for free, and you can also have the title transferred quickly and easily. You also get tax benefits!

Donating your car doesn't have to be selfless. The donation can be written off during tax time. You will receive a tax receipt from the car donation center or charity to which you donated the vehicle.