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Custom Water Bottles Are Perfect For Active Clients

Your company can promote your business with custom water bottles. Reusable water bottles are a great promotional giveaway. They can be used to promote sustainability and consumer responsibility. Packaged water bottles is very popular all over the world.

Polyethylene Terephthalate, high-density polyethylene plastic, and polycarbonate plastic are all options for custom containers that can hold water. Between 1997 and 2005, the world's water consumption doubled. This left billions of empty bottles that could be used. Your clients can reduce their environmental impact by reusing custom bottles. This will promote your company.

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Your customers will not only be able to reduce the amount of PET bottles and polyethylene terephthalate waste, but they will also be able to avoid fluoride-rich water, which can lead to tooth decay. 

PET bottles can also be dangerous, as they lead to the rapid growth of bacteria and the destruction of plastic particles. Due to high levels of calcium in mineral water, studies have shown that prolonged consumption can cause hypercalcemia. Hypercalcemia can lead to gallstones and kidney stones.

Further studies have shown that containers holding water can contain dangerous chemical contaminants at levels higher than the state's health limits. If these chemical contaminants are consumed for a long time, they could pose a health risk.

 Another study has shown that many bottles of water packed in plastic containers contain a high level of estrogenic chemicals. Although some estrogenic chemicals were found in water bottles that are glass, most people believe plastic containers are responsible for the contamination.

Drinking water in containers can be a problem for your health and a financial strain. Bottled water can cost hundreds, if not thousands, more per unit than tap water. About 90% of the manufacturing costs for bottled water companies are related to packaging, labeling, and caps.

 Campaigns against bottled water highlight the environmental and health consequences of regular water consumption in containers. Many religious groups in North America have debated whether the resale or unethical sale of basic resources is ethical.

The belief that bottled water is not sustainable or stable is growing more widespread. Tap water has many benefits that outweigh the costs of buying bottled water. Blind taste tests were conducted to determine if consumers could taste the difference between tap water and bottled water. It is not common for them to notice any difference. In a blind taste test, tap water from Helsinki, Finland was preferred over other brands of bottled water.