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Energy Saving Tips – Installing More Windows and Skylights

Have you been thinking of ways to reduce the amount of energy consumed in your household? Actually, you can do this by using some efficient energy-saving tips.

This includes keeping your home well insulated during the winter, refrain from using too much of your air conditioner during the summer, using fluorescent lamps to replace incandescent lamps, and choose paint colors that make the interior of your home look brighter than it was. If you are looking for roof windows & skylights installation in Perth, WA then make an online search.

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Aside from these techniques, you can also try installing more windows and skylights into your home. Both home additions can actually encourage you to use less artificial lighting during the day. Because skylights and windows can allow more sunlight into your home, your home will be well lit during the day even without the use of lights and lamps.

If you want to install more windows and skylights into your home, you should know you have to perform tasks for their installation. Here are some of the tasks you need to accomplish to be successful in this home improvement project.

Adding skylights in your home

When adding skylights into your home, you should start by cutting holes into your roof by using a chainsaw. Be sure to follow the manufacturer's specifications to cut holes that will make way for the installation of skylights. Adding a header beam to the side in order to make it more robust and powerful.

After this, you will need to cut back the roof and ceiling to its center position. Attach it to the roof of your house with the use of a few nails and screws. Cut some roofing paper into an 8-inch wide pieces and put them under your roof shingles. Use a flat pry bar and gently lift the shingles to avoid damaging them.

Add step flashing under and around the corners of shingles and below them. Securing the sky in place by adding a solid flashing to the sides. It would also avoid water entering your home's exterior.

Put more windows in your home

When adding a window, you must start by visualizing where you should put your extra window. Find a place in your house where the sun can easily pass through and mark that area.

Drill some holes into the area where you want to put your window. With this level of carpenters, draw a line that will connect all of the angle at which you are able to drill holes and drive nails through. Continue to prepare for the opening of the new window.