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Learn The Bible Using the Free Tools Available

If you are a "true" Christian, then learning God's Word must be important to you! If you are truly a child of God, then your taste for the Word of God must be healthy. "Like a newborn baby, craves pure spiritual milk, so you can grow in your safety," 1 Peter 2: 2. Feed words every day without fail. The more you eat, the faster you will grow. 

This is not an obligation or actions as much as possible as a love measure for the Lord Jesus Christ who is the Word!  You can get a classical Jesus history timeline that includes important dates based on the King James Authorized version with information from both new and old testament books. 

If you don't really know the word then you don't really know him. He stated that those who did not know him and had a relationship with him would not be with him in heaven. The depth of the Word of God is unlimited! Examples of divine inspiration are Psalm 119. Why? Because it happens, Allah flares placing the Bible to talk to His children. 


We just want the Learning of God's Law and finally the Word of God. Psalm 119 is God's testimony because it is his own testimony of nature, attributes, actions, and consequent demand. At the heart of this Psalm is the truth that God's Word is needed to live a life that pleases God. 

He spoke to us that His Word must be respected. There are no accidents or coincidences with the Word of God. It is definitely proof of itself. Just as the generation of Adam to Christ is the number 66. The right middle generation is very important for the number 33 in the genealogical record is King David! 66 Holy Bible Books, 66 Chapters in Isaiah ("Mini-Bible"), are just a few examples of the right nature of God.