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Make Great Survival Tool From Paracord Projects

During World War II, used as a parachute cord for the parachute suspension ropes. But, as the paratroopers found themselves in difficult situations, they found many creative ways to use cables to survive. Now the parachute cord, often called paracord, is used in many ways and by all sorts of people. If you want to buy the best paracord visit

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Paracord "550" is commonly found today, in which "550" refers to the number of pounds of minimum breaking strength cord. This cable has a core and consists of seven strands of two-ply yarn. Note the number on the paracord for a lower number of cables will not have the same power as a higher number and may not meet the needs you have for survival tools.

Paracord makes a great survival tool. There are almost unlimited ways to use the paracord when you get into an emergency. I have described some of the uses below.

• If you forget or lose your toothbrush, use it to floss your teeth.

• Paracords make good fire starters; You will also need to dismantle the cigarette lighter to flint.

• Wrap your knife handle with paracord to get a better grip and a more comfortable grip. This will give you more power and accuracy in using your knife.

You can make or buy paracord, it is your choice. Not all the arts and crafts-oriented and you certainly do not have to make your own paracord items. Even with paracord items so easily available and priced very reasonably, it can be a project just to shop for paracord items that have been created.