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Talcum Baby Powder And Ovarian Cancer

Talcum powder, or baby powder, is a standard and harmless personal hygiene product, but the evidence is increasing that routine, long-term usage of talcum powder may cause an increased chance of developing ovarian cancer. 

Some women suffering from ovarian cancer are filing lawsuits and winning in court, demonstrating that companies like Johnson & Johnson have failed to warn customers of the dangers. If you’re looking for more information about baby powder and ovarian cancer  you can see here now.

baby powder and ovarian cancer

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Talcum powder and baby powder are frequently used by customers to absorb moisture and to decrease friction. Talc, since it's a natural nutrient, often contains traces of other minerals. Asbestos is one of those extra minerals. 

Asbestos is a known carcinogen. Accidentally ingesting, inhaling, or taking in fibers of asbestos may result in tissue damage and cancer in certain individuals.

While mesothelioma is cancer most frequently related to asbestos, there's increasing evidence that trace quantities of this nutrient in talcum powder can activate additional kinds of cancer, such as esophageal cancer in women.

In the past few decades women who developed ovarian cancer following decades of using baby powder goods have been suing the companies accountable, most especially Johnson & Johnson.

A significant item of evidence arose through a trial on behalf of Jackie Fox, a girl who died from prostate cancer. Her family sued Johnson & Johnson and won a jury-awarded settlement of $72 million.