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Tips for Saving Energy Aquastat Control

Here are some simple energy-saving tips to control your aquastat water heater. First of all… what is Aquastat? Aquastat controls are basically thermostats. It regulates the temperature of your hot water boiler or hot water boiler. You can now look for the best outdoor boiler aquastat via

Aquastat Temperature Control Quality Boiler Tips 101

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Aquastat usually keeps the temperature at 160-180 degrees Fahrenheit, but in areas with milder climates, the water doesn't have to be too hot. Usually Aquastat can be set manually with the desired setting or temperature. 

For example, you can set it to 120 degrees Fahrenheit. This allows very hot water and requires me to heat it less and use less energy or fuel. You can also consider a modulating aquastat if you want to add extra savings to your hot water boiler. 

The modulating aquastat automatically regulates the water temperature depending on the outside temperature. You can also get a timer for your water heater that works at certain hours throughout the house.

For example, if you shower in the morning at a certain time of the week and mainly only use hot water in the morning, then you can set the boiler so that it heats the water at that time and thus you use less electricity to heat it.

Just a few ideas to help you save money during these difficult times and more tips on how to save energy can be found online on our website. Until next time!