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Understand How Technology Can Help Children With Autism

Today's children are "digital natives", but the same applies to autistic children. Many children on the spectrum feel most at home with a digital device in hand.

Research has shown that the majority of autistic children can learn visually. The technology could prove to be an effective tool in their learning process. 

Here's how technology can help children with autism spectrum disorder, from robots from to educational apps.

#1 Improve your verbal skills using apps

Researchers from advocacy, scientific, and non-governmental organizations have found that 25 percent of autistic kids are nonverbal. Rest are often low-functioning communicators. 

There are apps that can help these children. These apps can be tailored to meet the needs of a specific child.

Other apps are available for autistic kids that can help create stories and interactive displays. This can be a great option for children who have difficulty with traditional education.

#2 Digital tools can increase confidence

Confidence is directly linked to social skills. Autism spectrum disorder children often feel enmeshed in the social aspects of a classroom. Technology can help to reduce this problem.

You can filter the search results for apps for special kids according to your individual needs. These can include reading difficulties, math problems, disability, subject needs, and any other issues that the child might have.