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What exactly is Pediatric Eye Treatment?

The field of pediatric eye health is a subspecialty of ophthalmology that focuses on treatments for eye disease and vision in children. Because having a good eye is a fundamental prerequisite for academic performance as well as social interaction, it affects the entirety of a child's development. Regularly scheduled eye exams are essential.

You can also check your eye vision with the AI-OpticEye health screening device.

Pediatric Eye Care in Malvern, PA - Book Your Appointment Online

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Eye care benefits for children:

As children grow, having the ability to see clearly is essential for proper development, both mentally as well as physical. If you have vision issues and they are detected early, this can help ensure that they are treated promptly. A highly regarded ophthalmologist, along with regular eye exams and fittings for lenses, will provide treatment and care for a variety of vision-related issues in children, such as:

  • Refractive errors that are related to far vision, astigmatism, and near vision
  • Assessment of amblyopia or lazy eye and treatment
  • The eye crossed or Strabismus
  • Inflammation and eye infections
  • Tissues that are blocked
  • Eye injury
  • The screening for the juvenile form of diabetes as well as Rheumatoid Arthritis


The ophthalmologist is able to determine the need for glasses on the basis of an eye health exam that is thorough. It is typically performed by dilation of pupils to relax muscles to allow for accurate measurement. The doctor then utilizes a retinoscope for examination of the eyes to determine the best course of action and also writes prescription glasses if necessary.

Pediatric eye health is essential especially for parents of infants and toddlers because visual skills are the basis to success in school activities or sports as well as interaction with other people.