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Why Is LED Strip Lighting So Popular?

LEDs have become an incredibly popular form of lighting. They are extremely durable, long-lasting, brilliant, and use minimal power. They used to be expensive and were only used for specific purposes, but with current technology, you can get them for a fairly low price, for a variety of different applications. A great example of this is LED strip lighting.

As the name suggests, they are just a led strip that connects with double-sided tape on one side. You can cut them at designated intervals (usually every 6 cm) and solder your wires on each segment. This makes them extremely useful for customizing without much trouble. To buy best cutting edge LED strip light clips you may visit The Wave Lights.

Today, you can buy a 5-meter roll from eBay for less than $ 25. There are many different types of LEDs used in strip lighting, so be sure to get something bright enough for its intended use. It is worth thinking about the amps that are used too, especially if you are running them from a vehicle in the bush.

The brightest strip light tends to use around 1.2 amps per meter, and if you have several meters in use, expect to use a little power! Strip lighting applications range from lights outside your vehicle to inside, inside awnings, in boat cabins, around vehicle headlights, outdoors and the list goes on.

Being so easy to work with (all you need is wire and a bit of soldering skill) you can use them for just about anything you want. Think carefully about how you plan to use the lights. Where you place them is as important as how you connect them. There will be times when you don’t want to turn on all the lights, and if you have the option to turn on just a few, you will appreciate it.