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Zero Waste Reusable Cotton Swab For You Daily Needs

LastSwab provides a reusable, sustainable, and sanitary solution to single-use cotton buds, swabs, and Q-tips.


You can generally use a LastSwab as you would use a single-use swab, but keep in mind that the recyclable cotton fiber daub is not heating repellent and you are not able to use it with solvents like nail polish remover or acetone. It is non-absorbent for sanitary purposes but instead works by wiping away debris.

The LastSwab is a Reusable Alternative to Cotton Swabs

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The swab ends and the rod is made from TPE and the case and case are PLA. LastSwab is a replacement for thousands of single-use cotton strips.


The sanitary, reusable, and reusable LastSwab alternative to single-use swabs can be washed with soap and warm water.


A kraft paper box is used to package the swab. A storage container made of corn-based bioplastic is also included.

Amazing Eco-Friendly Cotton Swabs and Q Tips:

LastObject is an organization whose sole purpose is to create reusable products that can replace the items you would normally throw away.

Zero-Waste Reusable Swab:

Earthside sells eco-friendly products that can be used in every room of your house, including your bathroom. The tip of this swab is made of silicone and can be used as a reusable replacement for any cotton swab.

Biodegradable Bamboo Cotton Swabs:

The problem in traditional cotton swabs doesn't lie with cotton. It is the plastic stick that is between the cotton and the cloth.

Zero-Waste Cotton Swabs:

There are so many companies that provide waste-free, cotton swabs. They use that magic combination of bamboo and cotton. The swabs are packaged in a tube with recycled paper.