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Are running shoes a problem in running injuries?

The relationship relating to the purchasing of the right running shoe and getting a running overuse injury is a controversial subject. One can find strongly held beliefs for both sides of this issue and there is very little research that can help resolve the debate. The idea is that an athlete wants the appropriate athletic shoes with regard to their function to avoid an too much use injury from developing, so if the incorrect running shoe is used there is an higher chance for a running injury. Nevertheless, the specific data that helps that widely used belief is simply not generally there ultimately causing all the viewpoints and conundrums relating to this topic. The running shoe market is worth several billion dollars and up to fifty percent or more runners may get an overuse injury each year, therefore a lot is at risk with this disagreement.

During a recent edition of the podiatrist's live show, PodChatLive the hosts spoke with the runner and podiatrist Michael Nitschke relating to this concern and what factor, typically does the running shoe play in running injury. Additionally they especially talked over a different running shoe made by Nike that they say will decrease the injury rate. There is some Nike financed investigation which backs up this claim, but that research has not yet been published leading to a great deal of speculation and further fuelling the controversy for this concern. The PodChatLive was important mainly because it considered all the challenges without taking either side or any other. The two PodChatLive hosts and Michael Nitschke are all runners themselves and still have to make options not just for what running shoes that they are likely to run in but will also try to make suggestions for their patients that they consult with clinical conditions. This will have to be carried out in the context of the skepticism with all the current research that supports the prescription and use of running footwear. Especially, they believe that comfort has become the most important aspect to take into account when making choices about running footwear.