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Buying a Spo2 Monitor For Home Use

There are many things in this world that cause one to suffer and fear, but the worst part is having a sick child. Few feelings compare to the despair parents feel when they see their child suffer or find out that they are suffering.

Everything will be done to help this child relax and feel good, and it has been proven that the child feels more at home than in the hospital. You can also contact for more information about Spo2 Monitor online.

That's why there are now portable devices to monitor certain things, like the Spo2 monitor, which monitors the oxygen levels in red blood cells.

It is used to detect certain things like heart defects and check the flow of oxygenated blood throughout the body, and the procedure is non-invasive and completely painless.

The results are recorded and then the doctor will analyze them to look for problems and see further action.

This procedure is called pulse oximetry and has been used for many years with excellent results. Now coming to the technical part, which sounds a lot more confusing than it really is.

How Pulse Oxymetri Works

Prior to pulse oximetry, arterial oxygen saturation (SaO2) was measured directly by blood gas analysis. Indirect measurement with a pulse oximetry device is called SpO2.

Pulse oximetry uses sensors (sometimes called probes) and monitors that analyze the data and display the results.

The sensor guides light of two wavelengths – red and infrared – through the pulsating capillaries (often fingers, but forehead, earlobe or fingers can also be used) and detects how much is absorbed.