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Dental Emergencies In Ashburton – What You Need To Know

If you live in Ashburton, you may be familiar with the occasional dental emergency. From a broken tooth to an abscess, these types of issues can be painful and require prompt medical attention. Knowing what to do in a dental emergency can help you get the care you need quickly and effectively.

First and foremost, it’s important to know the signs of a dental emergency. These can include severe pain, swelling, bleeding, and fever. If you experience any of these pain signs, it’s important to seek help immediately from emergency dental services in Ashburton.


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Once you’ve identified the emergency, the next step is to contact your emergency dentist in Ashburton. Depending on the severity of the emergency, they may ask you to come in immediately or advise you to take pain relief until you can get an appointment.

Before your appointment, it’s important to prepare. Make sure you have the contact details of your dentist, a list of your current medications, and a list of any allergies or medical conditions. You should also bring a friend or family member with you to your appointment in case you need additional support.

When you arrive at your appointment, your dentist will assess your condition and determine the best course of action. Depending on the severity of the emergency, they may be able to treat it on the spot or refer you for specialist attention.

It’s important to remember that in a dental emergency, time is of the essence. If you experience any of the signs of a dental emergency, seek help as soon as possible. Contact your emergency dentist in Ashburton and follow their advice to ensure that you get the best possible care.