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Gold Coins – The Kind of Gold Coins That You Should Invest In

If you are thinking of collecting gold coins for investment purposes or to collect gold, you need to remember that there are certain things you should know about collecting coins.

First of all, you must know the value of the gold coins that you are going to collect. Basically, the value of gold coins will normally depend on two factors. When determining the value of gold coins, you must consider the intrinsic value and the so-called collector's premium. These two are very different and can really affect the value of the coin. If you want to buy gold coins for sale then visit

The intrinsic value is directly related to the sale price of the gold bars. You have to remember that when talking about the intrinsic value of gold, it generally means that you are actually referring to the value of the gold itself. To make it easier for you to understand, you are actually selling the gold for the price that is placed on the gold in the market. Today you will generally find modern bullion coins and the intrinsic value is usually equal to the value of the coin.

Modern bullion coins are available online and can be purchased from any coin dealer. However, before you buy the coin, you need to determine the dealer's commission as well as the shipment of the coin. You also need to know the spot price of gold, as this is where you will base the price of the coin. If you see that the coins are priced just below the spot price of gold, they may be counterfeits. And, as with any other counterfeit, you should avoid buying it.

These are the factors you need to consider to start your coin collection. Always remember that certain gold coins have a collector's premium and can be very expensive. However, if you want simplicity when it comes to investing in gold coins, then modern gold bullion coins would be your choice. And, if you are a serious collector who is willing to spend a lot of money on a rare gold coin, you may want to buy gold coins that have a collector's premium.