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Health Benefits Of A Structured Water Device

A structured water device, also known as a water ionizer or water filtration system, is a type of water purifier that utilizes electric fields to remove contaminants from drinking water. They work by creating an electric field around the particles in the water and attracting all of the negatively charged particles to the device. The positively charged ions created by this electrical attraction then destroy contaminants on contact, making purified water available for consumption.

The benefits of using a structured water device include: 

1. Improved Overall Health: Many people who use structured water appliances find that their overall health improves as a result. This is likely due to the fact that these devices help to remove harmful contaminants from the water supply, which can improve overall health by improving respiratory conditions, reducing inflammation, and boosting the immune system.

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1. Reduced inflammation: A regular intake of purified water can help to reduce inflammation in the body. Inflammation is responsible for many chronic diseases such as heart disease, arthritis and cancer. 

2. Improved cognitive function: Drinking purified water regularly has been shown to improve cognitive function in adults and children. Studies have found that those who drink purified water tend to have better mental clarity, focus and memory retention. 

3. Increased energy levels: According to some studies, drinking purified water can increase energy levels significantly. This is likely due to the fact that purified water is loaded with electrolytes which help to restore balance in the body’s fluids and minerals.