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Invisalign Treatment: Everything You Need To Know

Invisalign is a clear, plastic aligner that helps to straighten teeth by gradually reducing the amount of visible dental alignment as your teeth move. You wear the aligners for an average of two years but can sometimes continue to wear them indefinitely if you are happy with the results.

The aligners are made of a clear material that can be worn on either front or back teeth. They come in different sizes to fit all teeth and must be custom fitted to your teeth using a digital scanner. The aligners are secured in place by brackets that are removable after about six months and then replaced every few years as they wear down.

There are several benefits to Invisalign treatment: it’s fast, affordable, easy to use, and virtually invisible once your braces have been removed. Patients typically see excellent results in just a few short weeks and can enjoy regular dental check-ups to monitor their progress. You can visit  to know more about Invisalign treatment.

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Invisalign is a type of dental treatment that uses clear, aligners to shift teeth into their correct positions. The aligners are custom-made to your teeth's dimensions and shape and are worn for several months at a time. Over time, the aligners gradually move your teeth into their new positions, restoring their natural look and function.

Invisalign may be a good option for people who:

-Have difficulty maintaining regular dental care.

-Are unhappy with their current smile.

-Have tooth crowding or spacing issues.

There are several different types of Invisalign treatments, all of which use clear aligners made out of plastic, metal, or other materials. The most common type of Invisalign treatment uses two sets of clear aligners, one on each side of the mouth.