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Key Ideas Behind NEBOSH Health and Safety

NEBOSH health and safety courses are delivered by people around the world – in 65 countries. Although Nebosh does not teach himself, he accredits any organization with the power to offer training. The UK Qualifications and Curriculum Council oversees these public facilities.

Occupational medicine is a broad field and can cover many aspects of the workplace. Both the World Health Organization (WHO) and the ILO (International Labor Organization) have recognized the importance of NEBOSH environmental course and occupational health since the 1950s.

The term occupational medicine has been revised twelve times, but the current version emphasizes the importance of a safe work environment for employees. He claims that no activity or aspect of life at work should be negative for employees.

 In addition, it states that industrial activities must not affect people outside the workplace – for example through hazards or exposure to work/environmental practices. 

Nebosh's health and safety courses help ensure that this concept gets widespread support.

There are 3 guiding principles that support a similar spirit – endorsed by NEBOSH for Health and Safety. 

The original is moral – the idea that workers should not feel under or in danger while doing their jobs. 

Next is economical; the state's financial costs will increase significantly if the work is hazardous – that is, the social security costs of victims of hazardous work.

The third of the three is legal. This aspect has undoubtedly become a more important reason for greater health and safety over the years and decades – a thought that NEBOSH Health and Safety also takes into account.