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Know More About ADA Compliance

ADA relates to the Americans with Disabilities Act which requires locations to provide access to people who have disabilities, such as those in wheelchairs. Their requirements will vary depending upon your location as well as the type of doors you currently have and how people get to them. You can also get the best digital accessibility solutions online.

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But ADA compliance does not just cover those two things. It coves a whole host of details that you will need to pay attention to when it comes to your business. You may need to go over all the different accessibility codes that are not only state-mandated but also locally mandated. ADA compliance covers all sorts of areas, such as typical hinged doors, sliding doors, folding doors, door surfaces, thresholds, hardware, glazing, and much more.

For example, most businesses already use doors that are 36 inches wide. This is acceptable as it is wide enough to be accessible; 32 inches is the ADA minimum. In terms of hardware, most doors do have acceptable means of opening and closing them through the use of a closed fist or loose grip.

If you discover that your business door or entrance area does not comply with the ADA standards, or you are building a location and need to make sure it does, you can always talk to the manufacturer of the doorway about ADA compliance. They can manufacture doors that meet ADA compliance. 

Make sure you already know the correct dimensions of the door and be ready for additional questions from the supplier. You may need to tell them about the hardware you need, the thresholds, any door closers, vision lights, or glazing that you intend to include in your doorway or with your door.

Once you have your door installed, you can feel more confident that you have the right requirements for ADA.