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Orthodontics – How Can A Smile Be Improved With Orthodontics In Kailua Kona?

If you're self-conscious about your smile because of gaps between your teeth or an overbite, then you may be a great person to undergo braces or any other treatment. 

Orthodontics is a specialization of dentistry that focuses on fixing misaligned teeth and getting your bite back in place to enhance your aesthetics or for hygienic reasons. It is often believed that orthodontic treatment is only suitable for children. You can also get breathtaking smiles by Kona’s #1 dentists via Hawaii Family Dental.

Orthodontic treatment : VC Dental

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In reality, anyone could benefit from orthodontic treatments as long as the patient is healthy with teeth and bones as well as gums to work with.

The movement of teeth is based on physically manipulating teeth and the structures they are built on. The process is repeated many times throughout the entire orthodontic procedure, to ensure that you see gradual progress. 

The entire treatment could take up to several years, based on the patient's age and their dental health. To begin any new procedure it is necessary to first consult with an orthodontist or general dentist for a consultation. 

In the appointment, you will examine your smile attentively. It will also include an examination of your dental and medical history as well as an examination. There will be images, X-rays, and impressions taken of your mouth and bite to determine the diagnosis.

There are numerous advantages associated with orthodontics. A few of the main benefits are only cosmetic. If you're feeling embarrassed about your unnaturally crooked teeth the orthodontics treatment could result in perfect straight teeth.