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The Importance of Maintaining Cooling Towers

Cooling towers are the principal system that removes the heat generated by industrial processes. They are vital for businesses that want to maintain effective operations. However, properly controlled cooling towers will improve the efficiency of operations and cut expenses.

Before you begin the task of washing cooling towers it is essential to know the various types of cooling towers. They will also help you understand the most suitable way to clean them and also how to maintain them to reduce operating costs. You can also search for the best cooling tower service companies through various resources.

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There are generally two kinds of cooling towers: mechanical draft and natural draft. Natural draft towers make use of the natural convection of air to help facilitate circulation. In contrast, mechanical draft towers create airflow through the aid of fans. They are bigger and more affordable to run. 

Similarly, the mechanical draft towers tend to be less expensive to operate. They have more moving parts which means they have more places to break down.

No matter what tower you work on regardless of the tower you use, you must maintain it in a clean state.

In the case of a cooling tower, filled media is inserted into it to improve the area of contact between the air and water which aids in cooling.

Cleaning your cooling towers regularly will help you save money and reduce energy consumption.