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Things you should know about ITAR Compliance

Last April 2021, a company named Honeywell International was fined by the Department of State the amount of $13M US dollars, because of illegal export to countries such as China of dozens of technical drawings related to components of various missiles, aircraft and even thanks. These documents are a good example of ITAR or the International Traffic in Arms and Regulations data and the fine which was imposed to the company highlights the importance of how to manage ITAR data and how important it is that you should be an ITAR compliant company when you are doing exports to other countries.

Nowadays, ITAR compliance presents a significant challenge to many export global companies or corporations. In this article, you will know more about the ITAR compliance and what does this do to your export company.

What is ITAR Compliance?

International Traffic in Arms Regulations or the so called ITAR is a set of regulations which is administered by the Department of State which can control the export and import of military and defense related technologies on the USML or the United States Munitions List. The only goal of this legislation is to control access to the specific types of technologies and its related or associated data.

Any companies in the United States, it could be a university or just a research laboratory, that engages in producing or exporting defense articles or even just furnishing defense services, they are all required to register to DDTC and comply with the ITAR regulations. This is a must to those company so they will not be fined.  

As of this writing, there are over 13,000 companies such as research laboratories, universities that are handing military technologies. The ITAR compliance says that these companies or institutions may only share items on the USML with US persons unless otherwise authorized.

If you are looking for ITAR consultants, you can visit FD Associates, they can definitely help you with your ITAR compliance.