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What is a Phase 1 Environmental Assessment?

Phase 1 environmental assessments are an important tool for any business or organization looking to assess the potential environmental risks associated with a particular site. They provide an initial assessment of a property’s environmental conditions and potential liabilities. The assessment process typically includes an analysis of historical land use, potential contamination sources, and other environmental concerns.

What Does a Phase 1 Environmental Assessment Involve?

A Phase 1 environmental assessment involves gathering and analyzing data to determine the potential risks posed by a particular property. This includes a review of existing records, interviews with knowledgeable personnel, and a site inspection to identify potential contamination sources, hazardous materials, and other environmental concerns. To learn more about phase 1 environmental assessment, you may check this site

Benefits of a Phase 1 Environmental Assessment

A Phase 1 environmental assessment can provide numerous benefits to businesses or organizations looking to purchase or develop a particular property. By identifying potential environmental concerns associated with a property, the assessment can help to minimize potential liabilities and minimize costs associated with clean up or remediation.


Phase 1 environmental assessments are a valuable tool for any business or organization looking to assess the potential environmental risks associated with a particular property. By gathering and analyzing data, the assessment can help to identify potential liabilities and minimize costs associated with clean up or remediation.