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What Is The Scaled Agile FrameWork?

Scaled Agile development on a small or team organizational level has been gaining traction over the past 20 years as a viable method to speed up the delivery of software and overall quality while increasing the level of user satisfaction and engagement. 

Scaled Agile Framework  has been recognized as the most effective solution to this problem and was designed in the hands of Scaled Agile. SAFe is an open knowledge base program, which is a collection of concepts, structures and practices. You can browse for more information about scaled agile training..

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What are the benefits of adopting SAFETY?

Research consistently shows that in organizations that typically have more than 100 employees who work in the field of the field of software development, IT is struggling to meet deadlines quality, time, and price as well as the fact that what is delivered isn't always, what the end user wants and the delivery process is so inflexible and long that it is becoming increasingly difficult for these companies to adapt to changes in the market. 

SAFe was developed to tackle these issues, not by making employees work harder, but rather by creating an environment that makes organizations be more efficient and in line with the fundamental guidelines of Lean and Agile management.

SAFe shifts the focus of an organization from siloed, solitary delivery of work towards the coordinated delivery of value. This in a manner that allows the largest company to become more flexible and efficient to achieve this by enhancing the potential and motivation of those working within the company.