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What You Need To Know About Computer Network Management

Computer networks are essential for businesses to stay connected, both inside and outside the organization. It involves setting up, maintaining and troubleshooting the networks in order to ensure their optimal performance. Computer web management is the process of managing the networks in a systematic and efficient manner. 

Network Topology: The network topology is the physical layout of the network. This includes the number of nodes and the type of connections between them. It is important to understand the topology of the network in order to properly manage it. 

Network Protocols: Network protocols are the rules that define how data is transmitted and received over the network. Different types of protocols are used for different types of networks. It is important to understand the protocols used by the network in order to properly manage it. 

Network Security: Network security is the process of protecting the network from unauthorized access. This involves implementing security measures such as firewalls, encryption, authentication and access control. It is important to ensure that the network is secure in order to prevent any unwanted access. 

Network Performance Monitoring: Network performance monitoring is the process of monitoring the performance of the network. This includes monitoring the speed, reliability and availability of the network. It is important to monitor the network performance in order to ensure that the network is performing optimally. 

Network Troubleshooting: Network troubleshooting is the process of diagnosing and fixing any problems that occur with the network. This involves identifying the cause of the problem and then implementing a solution to fix it.