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What You Should Know About Acid Reflux

Reflux acid disease can be a very painful condition. For people who live socially active life and attend frequent parties and meetings, acid reflux such as curses because they must often lose delicious which are served for fear of acid reflux attacks.

Acid attack, as the name suggests is stomach acid attack on the esophageal layer. The frequency of such attacks can be very damaging to the esophagus because it leads to the formation of scar tissue. If this scar tissue cannot recover, it can cause boils and in certain cases even esophageal cancer. Of all the reasons, for acid reflux problems, bad eating habits contribute the most.

Therefore, the first point to remember in the treatment of acid reflux is the knowledge of food to eat and food to avoid. Acid reflux may require you to make a new eating plan for yourself, giving more places for healthy and nutritious food and say goodbye to others.

In the stomach, the digestive process begins where food is followed up by digestive enzymes and hydrochloric acid in the stomach. Food remains locked inside the stomach with a valve action that is present at both ends of the stomach. 

Because the sour environment in the stomach, sometimes excessive pressure causes the valve to open. This causes stomach acid content to move into the esophagus. This condition is known as acid reflux.