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All About Tooth Extraction and Healing

If you are suffering from tooth pain, there are several different dentists out there.  With the advancement of technology, you can also find a solution to your problem online. You can talk to various dentists online to summarize your tooth pain problem. Occasionally, these treatments may not be of much help due to the force of damage to the tooth. Therefore, in these types of cases, extraction is the best and the last mode of treatment.

Wisdom Tooth Extraction is a simple process of extracting the tooth from your mouth when you are suffering from a lot of tooth pain. Tooth extractions are done for several reasons. One of the most common is tooth decay that has almost killed the entire structure of the tooth, it is the normal signal for tooth extraction.

There are two ways of tooth extraction such as surgical or simple. Surgical tooth extractions typically involve the extraction of teeth that are simply not accessible or unreachable for surgery, it may be because they have not fully erupted or have cracked below the gum line. In the surgical extraction of a tooth, the dental surgeon can lift the soft tissues that surround the bone and the tooth and can extract the nearby bone tissue with a drill.

After successful tooth removal, it is common for a clot to form in the hole. In rare cases, this formed clot can be removed, resulting in a dry hole condition. After the extraction, you can start eating normally the next day or, if not, as soon as you feel comfortable. Gently rinse your mouth with warm salt water three times a day. Also, rinse gently after meals. This helps keep food out of the tooth extraction site.