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Tips For How to Maintain Your Air Conditioner

Air conditioning maintenance is important for keeping your home cool in the summer and warm in the winter. Here are tips to help keep your air conditioner running smoothly:

1. Check the air conditioner’s filter regularly. A dirty filter will cause your AC to work harder to cool down your home, which can lead to premature breakdowns or even mechanical problems. Change the filter every month if you can, or every six months if you can’t.If you are looking for air conditioning maintenance Service then you can visit Carlton Heating and Air.

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2. Check the condenser coils for corrosion and damage. Corrosion and damage can lead to AC unit failure, so it’s important to check them monthly and make any necessary repairs as soon as possible.

3. Clean the evaporator coil on a regular basis. This coil helps remove moisture from the air, which is essential for keeping your home cool in hot weather conditions. Cleaning this coil once a month should be sufficient, but if it becomes dirty or clogged up, you may need to clean it more often.

4. Make sure that all of your ductwork is properly sealed and insulated against heat loss. This will help keep your AC running at its peak performance all year round.