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Types Of Retractable Roof Systems In UK

A retractable roof system is a great way to increase your home’s energy efficiency and keep your property cooler in the summer and warmer in the winter. A retractable roof can also be a great way to protect your home from serious weather damage. 

There are a few different types of retractable roof systems available on the market. Here’s a breakdown of each:

1. Membrane System: This type of retractable swimming pool roof systems for indoor & outdoor pools relies on a membrane to keep the roof closed. The membrane is usually made out of a strong material and can last for several years. This system is usually the cheapest option, but it may not be very durable.

2. Hopper System: This type of system uses gravity to keep the roof closed. A large hopper located at the top of the system holds water, which allows the roof to extend and retract using hydraulic pressure. This system is more expensive than other options, but it is also more durable and efficient.

3. Swing-Arm System: This type of system uses a series of cables and pulleys to open and close the roof. The user guides this system by moving a set control arm up or down from inside the home. This system is more complicated to use than other options, but it is also more reliable and efficient. 

4. Tilt-Up System: This type of system uses a series of motors and gears to open and close the roof. The user guides this system by moving a set control arm up or down from inside the home. This system is the most expensive option, but it is also the easiest to use and the most reliable.